What is a menopause friendly workplace?

Organisations should look to provide an open and inclusive environment where employees feel safe and supported to raise concerns about how the menopause is affecting them, with no stigma or embarrassment attached. 

Focusing on Training and raising awareness should be priority, so that everyone is educated around what support is needed and what support is currently available to aid the health, safety and welfare of those experiencing any stages of the menopause. 

Why it matters to support colleagues through the menopause at work.

  • Menopause affects everyone – it is not just an issue for women.
  • Supportive ‘human’ conversations make the difference.
  • A healthy environment and culture is better for everyone.
  • Retaining our talent.
  • Enabling women to be their best at work.

The Role of the Manager.

  • To have a supportive conversation. You are not expected to be an expert but do listen and take the conversation seriously. 
  • To have an understanding of what the employee is likely to need from you.
  • Be aware of cultural considerations.
  • Respect the employees right not to discuss intimate issues with a male line manager, instead offering alternative solutions such as a menopause advocate or champion. 
  • Ensure all information shared is kept confidential unless you have the consent of the employee.
  • Ensure leave requirements are part of the conversation and be mindful of medical appointments they may need to attend. 
  • Do not put timescales on any reasonable adjustments needed, each individual symptoms and timescales are different. 
  • Do not stereotype against older employees, the menopause transition can happen at any age. 
  • Research and outline support available such as occupational health, talking therapies, System Health and Wellbeing courses and resources. 
  • Complete and document discussions and agreements made and review regularly as a mechanism of open communications and support.  

In the videos below, staff working across health and care in Lincolnshire talk about their experiences of the menopause and what organisations can do to better support their staff.

Heather Hunt - Patient Experience Advisor at LPFT
Melissa Thiele - Programme Manager (Scaling People Services) at Lincolnshire ICS
Katie Dorr - Assistant Clinical Research Practitioner at ULHT