We want to ensure that staff that work in the Lincolnshire ICS have dedicated support available at all times. We have been able to bring together a number of local and national resources that can support staff with their emotional, physical, social, financial and general wellbeing.

If your mental or emotional state quickly gets worse or deteriorates, this can be called a 'mental health crisis'. In this situation, it is important to get help quickly.

Please call the mental health helpline on 0800 001 4331 and our dedicated local staff will support you to access the help you need. The phone line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

If you are seeking emotional wellbeing and mental health support for children and young people, please call the Lincolnshire Here4You line on 0800 234 6342 (open 24/7).

You should still call 999 or go to A&E if you have an immediate, life-threatening emergency requiring mental or physical health assistance.

Other urgent support available:

Campaign against Living Miserably (CALM) call 0800 585858 (5pm-midnight) Homepage | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) (thecalmzone.net)

Shout- offer free confidential 24/7 crisis text support. Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258  Shout - UK's 24/7 Crisis Text Service for Mental Health Support | Shout 85258 (giveusashout.org)

Samaritans – whatever you are going through a Samaritan will face it with you. Available 24/7 Call 116 1123 Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen

Papyrus – if you are under 35 and feel that life is not worth living contact Papyrus hopeline available 24/7 on 08000684141, text 07786209697.Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention | Prevention of Young Suicide (papyrus-uk.org)


  • Lincolnshire Talking Therapies: provide evidence-based talking therapy for people with common mental health problems and is available to anyone over the age of 16 who are experiencing issues relating to anxiety and/or depression. There are several different ways that you can access this service: 

Refer yourself directly via Self-referral :: steps2change Lincolnshire (lincolnshiretalkingtherapies.nhs.uk)  Contact the single point of access contact centre by calling 0303 123 400 (available 24/7)


  • Emotional wellbeing toolkit:  This easy-to-use resource has been developed with NHS staff to:
  • Help bridge a gap in understanding and enable us to talk openly and regularly about emotional health
  • Assess the impact emotional wellbeing has on ourselves, our colleagues and on our patients
  • Enable us to action plan to enable more good days than bad

The toolkit can be used to check your own wellbeing or speak to and support colleagues with their emotional wellbeing. Visit www.nhsemployers.org/howareyoufeelingnhs

  • Every Mind Matters Access expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing. Answer five quick questions to get a free plan with tips to help you deal with stress and anxiety, improve your sleep, boost your mood and feel more in control www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters


  • Lincolnshire Recovery College The Lincolnshire Recovery College offers free educational courses on mental health and wellbeing to anyone aged 16+. Are you finding life challenging or supporting someone who is? Do you want to learn from people with real life experience of mental health challenges, as well as education and health professionals? If so, the Lincolnshire Recovery College could be for you. Recovery College (lpft.nhs.uk) Call 01522 309333  (Monday-Friday, 9am-2:30pm)  Email:lpft.recovery.college@nhs.net


Discuss your problems with your GP, occupational health team or other health professional who can refer you


  • Stay Alive app: If you are feeling at risk of suicide or are concerned about someone else, our NHS colleagues also have access to the Stay Alive app which is a suicide prevention resource for the UK, packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis. You can download the Stay Alive app from your app store or view their website here: www.stayalive.app


  • Working Minds – Campaign to address work-related stress: Launched by Sarah Albon, chief executive of the Health and Safety Executive, Working Minds raises awareness about how to recognise and respond to the signs of stress to protect workers and support good mental health to help people to stay well.  https://workright.campaign.gov.uk/workingminds/


  • National staff support line: A confidential staff support line, operated by the Samaritans and free to access. This support line is here for when you’ve had a tough day, are feeling worried or overwhelmed, or maybe you have a lot on your mind and need to talk it through. Trained advisers can help with signposting and confidential listening. Call 0800 069 6222 from 7am–11pm, seven days a week Or text 'FRONTLINE' to 85258 for support 24/7 via text.


  • NHS People website: Helping you manage your own health and wellbeing while looking after others. The programme is split into a number of key areas, which you can read about online, or you can seek support for the following areas:

Free access to a range of wellbeing apps

Support for line managers in having safe and effective wellbeing conversations

Supporting colleagues affected by Long Covid Physical health and wellbeing

Weight management

Substance misuse and gambling support Financial wellbeing

Supporting our veterans Supporting our diverse colleagues Support for executive leaders

Support for people working in social care Dedicated coaching for our primary care colleagues



  • NHS staff working in ICU The Intensive Care Society have produced a range of wellbeing resources for staff working in intensive care units. This wellbeing hub therefore examines wellbeing from all angles - individual, team, and system. www.ics.ac.uk/wellbeing


  • Lateef project - #NHSMuslimsWellbeing Free faith-based mental health counselling support for Muslims working in the NHS. Islamic counselling can help you address, process, and manage your mental health problems, questions, and worries.  lateefproject.org/get-support


  • Support for Indian NHS Nurses: The British Indian Nurses Association (BINA) is an independent, non-profitable organization set up to serve Nurses of Indian origin. BINA is available to provide the pastoral support to the newly arriving Nurses from India by working in partnership with NHSE/I, HEE, NHS organisations, voluntary sectors of faith groups, local culture based associations to make them “feel Like Home”.  https://binauk.org/ for information on how to access support Call +44 (0)1234 363272 or email admin@binauk.org


  • Uplifting resources for the NHS from the NHS: Health Education England and the Reading Agency have crowd-sourced a list of uplifting, digital resources from NHS staff. The choices of poems, podcasts and websites were recommended by your colleagues in the NHS, and are ideal for boosting your mood. You can use at your leisure via any computer or mobile device.     https://library.nhs.uk/nhs-staff-and-learners/uplifting-resources/


  • NHS Working Carers free digital resource :Are you an unpaid carer? Do you provide unpaid care and support to a family member or friend due to their disability, health condition, frailty, mental health problem, addiction or other health and care need? If you answer ‘yes’ to this question, then you are a carer. Speak to your manager for the free access code and visit www.carersdigital.org/login/index.php


  • Nurse Lifeline: Whether you are a nurse, midwife or healthcare support worker; newly qualified or experienced, student, associate, military, retired, or a family member or friend of someone in the profession, if you want to chat, our volunteer team will be here to listen. Free, confidential, UK-wide and peer-led. A space to offload and decompress. Chat with another nurse or midwife who gets it. Call 0808 801 0455, available Monday-Friday, 7pm-11pm


  • ShinyMind wellbeing app The ShinyMind App is a uniquely interactive tool designed specifically for NHS staff that improves wellbeing, resilience and teamwork. It’s proven to help reduce the stress and anxiety of everyday life, leaving people feel happier and more productive.  https://forms.gle/8ut8x3rdKmHJ73vD8


  • Unmind: Unmind is a mental health platform that empowers staff to proactively improve their mental wellbeing. Using scientifically backed assessments, tools and training you can measure and manage your personal mental health needs, including digital programmes designed to help with stress, sleep, coping, connection, fulfilment and nutrition.  Free access to Unmind for NHS staff - Unmind

How NHS staff can get access

  • Access: Unmind
  • Sign up with your NHS email address
  • Download the Unmind app from your app store
  • Your organisation name is ‘NHS’ – if you do not see your NHS email domain please contact support@unmind.com and include your email domain.

  • Bereavement counselling service Run by St. Barnabas, if it is identified that you would benefit from ongoing one to one support, a referral can be made for you to access either telephone or webcam sessions with one a qualified counsellor/ therapist. The service is confidential. Please call 01522 518246
  • Bereavement support line (Lincolnshire) The bereavement line is open to everyone in Lincolnshire. Run by St Barnabas, trained bereavement volunteers are available every day between 11.00am–3.00pm to offer support and a listening ear. Please call 0300 303 1897


  • Bereavement support line (National) A confidential bereavement support line, operated by Hospice UK and free to access. A team of fully qualified and trained bereavement specialists are available to support you with bereavement and wellbeing issues relating to loss experienced through your work. Call 0300 303 4434 from 8am–8pm, seven days a week


  • Bereavement Advice Centre – there are many practical matters to attend to when someone dies. Bereavement Advice Centre supports and advises people on what they need to do after a death. Bereavement Advice Centre | Free Helpline


  • Gamcare:  Leading gambling support charity GamCare provide specialist support services for gamblers and their loved ones across Lincolnshire Tel 08088020133 www.gamcare.org.uk


  • NHS Support: Drug addiction: getting help - NHS (www.nhs.uk)


  • We are With You: Confidential advice, support and treatment for alcohol dependency and drug misuse for adults and young people living in Lincolnshire.  You can receive support in various locations all across Lincolnshire and can engage with one to ones or groups to help you reduce the harms that substances cause. Home - With You (wearewithyou.org.uk)


  • NHS Support Alcohol support - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Caring for an alcoholic? Find out where you can get support on the Carers Trust website.

  • One you Lincolnshire: Lincolnshire’s free healthy lifestyle service, supporting the counties residents to go smoke free, lose weight, move more and drink less. A dedicated team of health coaches provide a range of clinically proven interventions, along with motivational and behavioral methods to support you in your healthy journey. To be eligible you need either:

A long term health condition

A Q risk score of 10% or greater

To be waiting surgery under the NHS optimisation policy

Call 01522 70 51 62 or email hello@oneyoulincolnshire.org.uk www.oneyoulincolnshire.org.uk

  • Pilates with April Moon: 'Strengthen and Lengthen' six week course to alleviate aches and pains, improve posture and core stability is being offered at a reduced price for all health and social care staff in Lincolnshire. It's perfect for all abilities and levels of fitness, even if you're a complete beginner and have never done Pilates or Yoga before! All you need is a mat, a little bit of space and an internet connection.

For enquiries, email hellostrengthenandlengthen@gmail.com For the course, visit www.movewithmoon.co.uk - Code: NHS01

  • Physio for You: Access free Physiotherapy for any MSK issues you may be experiencing. Staff can self-refer for a consultation directly. Email lhnt.physioforyou@nhs.net to request a consultation


Special Offer!

NHS staff can get 10% off yoga sessions with Crystal Lake View Therapies using the code NHS10YOGA 

Crystal lake view massage & holistic treatments - Crystal Lake View (crystallakeviewtherapies.co.uk)



  • Caring for yourself while caring for others: A toolkit developed by NHS England and NHS Improvement Midlands to help you look after your own health. A number of resources available on; physical activity, mental health, sleep, menopause, menstrual health, alcohol, health at work, caring responsibilities, hydration and bereavement + more.

 www.england.nhs.uk/midlands/wp- content/uploads/sites/46/2020/10/NHS_Caring_for_Yourself_FINAL_MIDLA  NDS_201002.pdf


  • Connect to Support Lincolnshire: Connect to Support Lincolnshire is an online information and advice library, community directory and marketplace for adults in Lincolnshire. This website is intended for adults who want to find out about local groups, activities and services within the community.   https://lincolnshire.connecttosupport.org/


  • EPEC Being a Parent Playlist This is an online version of our popular, evidence-based parenting programme "Being a Parent", brought to you by the Empowering Parents Empowering Communities Team". Our interventions are developed by parents and delivered by parents and have the backing of the NHS.  https://youtube.com/playlist? list=PLtqcqZxTf21YQ5J3mdNXIhFY23kGoFseb


  • The Anti-Burnout Club: An all-rounded wellness platform combining lessons such as yoga, Pilates and mindfulness with bite-sized practical tools and techniques from experts in EFT, CBT and psychodynamic counselling. A discounted price can be accessed here: https://theantiburnoutclub.com/kw

With the rising cost of living, making your money stretch further can feel increasingly challenging. Many of us are finding it more difficult to cover essential costs such as our weekly food shop, household costs, energy bills, travel, petrol, and childcare, which can put pressure on us both physically and mentally.

However, you’re not alone. We’re here to help:

System Benefits Booklet. The attached booklet has lots of links to help support and guide you Benefits Booklet

Citizens Advice  Get help with the cost of living - Citizens Advice

Red Cross financial help and advice Get help with money problems | British Red Cross

Money saving expert  Budgeting & Debt Help - MoneySavingExpert

Food bank: The Lincolnshire Staff Wellbeing Hub can refer staff for food parcels and vouchers . The foodbank also offers a triage for additional hardship support such as clothes bank, skills courses, and befriending. Call the Lincolnshire Staff Wellbeing Hub for a referral on 01522 518609 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) or email lpft.staffwell-being@nhs.net

Cooking on a budget: We have recently partnered with Debbie Hopkins from The Homemade House Cookery School who has put 4 videos together each with a different theme but focussing on cooking tasty, quick meals on a budget. These can be accessed via YouTube below:

Avoiding waste & using leftovers: https://youtu.be/V4NyF-ZNfMg Pasta & batch cooking: https://youtu.be/vCtoCQh1AjA

Making vegetables interesting: https://youtu.be/SKyy9iRVqxc Cooking creatively with fruit: https://youtu.be/IVKM1iC_fKg

Discounts: The national Money Saving Expert website has helpfully pulled together a comprehensive list of discounts and deals available including food discounts, unlimited mobile data, free parking and lots more. These offers are all new and in addition to what NHS/emergency staff can usually get (eg, with a Blue Light Card). www.moneysavingexpert.com and search for 'NHS and care worker staff freebies & discounts'

Benefits Calculator: Turn 2 us web page has a useful benefits calculator - Turn2us Benefits Calculator 


  • Relate Lincolnshire: counselling services for every type of relationship Telephone 03000032164  Lincolnshire | Relate


  • WorkLife Central (formerly Cityparents) is an award-winning digital hub of expert-led content designed to support, inform and inspire professionals in their family life, work life and wellbeing. All WorkLife Central content is relevant for working parents and carers, spanning careers, wellbeing and parenting topics. Their aim is to help working parents and those with caring responsibilities develop skills, enhance family life, improve wellbeing and support work/life balance. WorkLife Central

  • Freephone 24-hour national domestic abuse helpline: 0808 2000 247


  • NHS Support: Getting help for domestic violence and abuse - NHS (www.nhs.uk)



  • Galop – LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline Helplines open to anyone LGBT+ in the UK, as well as friends, family members, and professionals who may be concerned about an LGBT+ person who is facing abuse. Support for LGBT+ people who are victims of domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, so-called conversion therapies, honor- based abuse, forced marriage, and other forms of abuse.  Call: 0800 999 5428, Mon- Thurs 10am-8.30pm, Friday 10-4.30pm Email: help@galop.org.uk https://galop.org.uk/


  • Respect – Men’s advice line: Here to support men experiencing domestic abuse. If you want to talk to someone, you can speak to their friendly and professional advisors on the phone, by email or on webchat. No pressure, no judgement, just help. Freephone: 0808 8010327, Mon–Fri 10am-5pm Email support: info@mensadviceline.org.uk, Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Webchat support: Weds 10-11:30am and 2-4pm  https://mensadviceline.org.uk/

  • Balance: The world's biggest menopause library. Balance has been created with a single mission in mind: to make menopause support inclusive and accessible to everyone, globally. Join a community of like-minded individuals and feel empowered to get the treatment that’s right for your body. www.balance-menopause.com


  • Lincolnshire Menopause Support Group: This is a closed Facebook group which anyone working for the system in Lincolnshire can join. It provides a platform for ladies to discuss their menopausal issues in a safe and supportive environment. Search 'Lincolnshire NHS Menopause Support Group' in Facebook


  • Henpicked – menopause in the workplace:  One of the UK's fastest growing website for women, sharing helpful information, top tips and wisdom: happiness, health, wealth, and menopause. Home - Henpicked


Self Help Guides produced by Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust www.cntw.nhs.uk/selfhelp Titles cover a range of mental health issues.