Staff networks provide support, enhance career development and contribute to personal development in the work environment.

They create supportive environments and help bring people together. They give the ability to champion individuals and call for change, as well as empower employees and help to create an environment where everyone can be their true selves.

A staff network can also have a collective voice, raising awareness of areas for improvement needed within an organisation to ensure equal opportunities for any and everyone. This might be bringing issues to the attention of management, or campaigning for changes to policies and procedures to make them more inclusive.

For an employee network to be an effective tool for an organisation, it must be a real vehicle for the employee voice, both on an individual and collective basis, and be authentic throughout (staff networks should never be part of a tick box exercise).

Please watch the video below discussing the importance of staff networks and how they can support inclusive recruitment processes:

Inclusive Recruitment - How staff networks can help