What is bite-sized learning, and how does it compare to traditional learning?
Picture short bursts of learning via video clips or interactive slides over day-long teaching sessions. Bite-sized learning or microlearning is learning done in small portions over a period. It entails breaking down learning (modules) into smaller chunks that are easy to understand or assimilate in one go without losing the learning objective. This contrasts with substantial learning that attempts to say a lot at once or within a short period, also known as traditional learning.
Bitesize Lunch and Learn sessions
From the success of the award winning Lincolnshire ICS Allyship Toolkit, we have introduced Bitesize Learning sessions to support understanding of what is Allyship and why is it integral to practice Allyship at work.
- The sessions can be attended face to face or via TEAMS.
- The session lasts between 30-45 minutes.
- There is no limit to the number of people who can attend the training.
- For more information or to book a session please email lhnt.
lincolnshirepeoplehub @nhs.net