Within the Lincolnshire Integrated Care System and in line with the Joint Forward Plan, we believe our people are at the heart of our success. We believe that engaging all employees and galvanising their efforts in line with our Vision and Values will set us on a successful path to achieving better patient care and reducing health and work inequalities.

Valuing others means seeing difference as something positive. It means trying to understand how others think and feel. When employees feel trusted and valued, they become more dedicated to supporting the organisation they work for and productivity increases.

To do this staff need:

  • to feel that they are understood,
  • to feel autonomous,
  • to feel valued,
  • to feel cared for, and
  • to feel invested in.


With people at the heart of all that we do our ICS approach is centred around the following approach and priorities:

A civil and respectful workplace where staff feel they belong. Inclusive with no place for discrimination.


  • We have an allyship support programme that involves building relationships anchored in trust, accountability and are consistent in interactions with marginalised groups.
  • All staff are educated about different cultures to improve behaviours and the working environment so that we move from a blame culture to developing a learning culture.
  • We develop a systemwide Anti racism strategy that is meaningful and that addresses accountability for people’s behaviours and attitudes.
  • We will stamp out bullying and harassment in the workplace.

A workplace that recognises and proactively supports the physical, emotional and financial wellbeing of their staff for them to thrive and progress.


  • We will improve and maintain high standards in recruitment to ensure Health and Social Care organisations in Lincolnshire become inclusive employers.
  • We increase the diversity of our recruitment panels.
  • We use fair interview and decision-making processes.
  • We improve processes and mechanisms for learning around incidents.
  • Embed health and wellbeing conversations and support leaders in holding them effectively to ensure staff are supported with their personal and professional development.
  • Increase our use of digital technology that allows the workforce to undertake improved flexible working practices.
  • Continue to host Communities of Practice to promote system working around Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Health and Wellbeing best practice.
  • Improve and promote resources that enhance the working and personal lives of our unpaid carers.

A workplace that is psychologically safe to speak up with ideas, questions, concerns, and mistakes. Confident that your voice is valued.


  • There is a Just Culture toolkit that acts as a framework for improvements around safety, fairness, and consistency, where staff feel confident to speak up when things go wrong, rather than fearing blame.
  • We are continuously developing system-wide staff networks as a mechanism for peer support, mentoring and making change happen.

A workplace that focuses on safety, fairness, and stability to ensure staff can balance their daily work and home life pressures & challenges.


  • Continue to train and support our established mental Health First Aiders and the appointment of holistic HWB Champions who can support our people with mental health first aid, DSE assessments and signpost to our various HWB offers in collaboration with the system health and wellbeing hub.

A workplace that is flexible and understands the importance of providing tools and resources for staff to evolve into their healthiest, happiest, and best self.


  • Design and publish a one directorate for all Lincolnshire Health and Wellbeing services to improve access and awareness.
  • To design and publish a full Women’s health offer to promote flexibility to retain talent in all aspects of working life.
  • To scope and propose a systemwide Men’s Health offer to break down barriers and improve access.
  • Undertake a thorough Occupational health review to establish a systemwide model and offer.  
  • We will seek accreditation where appropriate (eg menopause accreditation) to demonstrate our commitment to staff.