The NHS People Promise
Welcome to the Lincolnshire Primary Care NHS People Promise page!
What is the NHS People Promise?
The NHS People Promise is a national initiative that is aligned with the NHS Long Term Plan, the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan, the NHS People Plan 2020/2021 and the Lincolnshire Primary Care People Plan. The People Promise comprises of seven elements which are illustrated in the graphic below:
More information about the NHS People Promise can be found here: NHS England » Our NHS People Promise
Watch TV Doctor Dr Amir Khan and NHS staff working in a broad range of roles across the country explain the NHS People Promise:
Our NHS People Promise (Full length, BSL) - YouTube
The seven elements and wording of the People Promise have come from national staff engagement activities where staff working in various healthcare roles, in a range of healthcare settings, identified the things that matter to them most in improving their experiences in the work that they do.
The NHS People Promise is also aligned to the NHS Staff Survey and the NHS General Practice Staff Survey (GPSS) as a means of measuring how staff experience impacts on their working lives. All staff employed by the NHS are invited to take part in the annual staff survey.
In order to deliver on the NHS People Promise Plan, NHS England have commissioned People Promise Managers in NHS organisations throughout the UK. Lincolnshire Primary Care have been successful in becoming part of the NHS People Promise Exemplar Programme – Cohort two. We have two newly appointed People Promise Managers in post, on a job share basis, delivering on a staff engagement focused NHS People Promise Action Plan. This NHS People Promise Action Plan will work alongside the Lincolnshire Primary Care Attraction, Recruitment and Retention Strategy.
Our People Promise Activities to Date:
Since March 2024, we have implemented and are continuing to develop a broad range of targeted initiatives and measures to help embed the NHS People Promise across Lincolnshire Primary Care. Further details of our activities to date can be found below.
People Promise Trailblazer Programme:
We have developed an innovative People Promise Trailblazer Programme as a Lincolnshire pilot to help practices and PCNs embed the People Promise values in their organisation as a means of improving staff morale and retention. As part of this pilot programme, we are working closely with a number of self-selected practices and PCNs across Lincolnshire. Cohort 1 of the programme launched in August 2024, with cohort 2 scheduled to follow in February 2025.
The programme includes:
A F2F teambuilding session at the practice or PCN incorporating reflective practice, a relook at team purpose and wellbeing
An accompanying resource bundle including standardised appraisal documentation, stay conversation, itchy feet conversation and wellbeing conversation guides, templates and action plans, a Kindness, Civility and Respect toolkit for managers and leaders, menopause support and guidance for employers and employees, information on flexible working options including a case study, information on leadership courses, including compassionate leadership training for current and aspiring leaders and managers and a welcome pack for international Primary Care staff.
Online support sessions for Practice/PCN Business Managers to help them implement the resources in their organisation
Option to become an NHS People Promise Bronze, Silver or Gold accredited practice with a digital badge that can be used as a recruitment tool
As well as assisting with recruitment and retention, the People Promise Trailblazer programme will help practices comply with QOF, CQC requirements and the ICB Service Level Framework.
If your practice or PCN would be interested in getting involved in Cohort 2 of the People Promise Trailblazer programme, or would like to find out more, please contact Helen or Ruth.
Primary Care People Group Stakeholder Engagement Group:
We have recently launched a Primary Care People Group Stakeholder Engagement Group to provide Primary Care staff working in all roles and at all levels with a voice. This group meets bi-monthly via MS Teams to discuss current challenges faced by Primary Care and suggestions for improvement.
The group is very informal and action-driven. Actions to have arisen from this group since its inception in July include the development of an anti-abuse support package (further details below), distribution of standardised job templates with practices and PCNs to support with recruitment, and sharing of best practice between practices/PCNs across the county.
Meetings typically take place on the third Thursday of every other month, 9.30am-11am via Teams. If you would like to join the group, please contact Helen and Ruth.
Pastoral Support Offers for International Staff:
International Virtual Café:
Our International Virtual Café takes place on the second Thursday of each month. These informal sessions are open to all international members of Primary Care staff and provide a friendly space to chat, network, ask questions and seek any support needed. For further information and the Teams link, please contact Ruth via the email address above.
International Staff Buddy Scheme:
The International Staff Buddy Scheme matches international members of Primary Care staff new to the UK or Lincolnshire with a friendly buddy who can offer a warm welcome and friendly information and advice. To sign up, go to:
WhatsApp group:
We have created an international staff WhatsApp group for peer support and networking. To join, please contact Ruth via the email address via the email address above.
System-wide F2F social events:
System-wide F2F social events are being piloted for international staff and their families. The first event will take place on Saturday 9th November 2pm-4pm at the Sudbrooke Road Community Centre in Lincoln, LN2 2EF. Come along for games, chat and hot drinks. To register your interest, contact lhnt.
Violence and Aggression Reduction Support Package:
During our stakeholder engagement events and from talking with many of you in our roles as People Promise Managers for Lincolnshire Primary Care, it has become clear that increasing levels of verbal and physical abuse from patients towards staff are having a significant impact on staff retention in Primary Care, in particular among receptionists and care navigators as these roles typically bear the brunt of such behaviour.
In response to this clearly identified issue, we have developed a Violence and Aggression Reduction Support Package as part of the People Promise with resources to support you in addressing negative behaviour from patients and to equip your multidisciplinary teams with tools to cope with the impact of violence and aggression. The package includes:
- An editable and customisable Patient Code of Conduct which can be issued to all patients upon registration to set out expectations clearly from the outset. This document also contains an overview of different roles within Primary Care to raise patient awareness of which staff members they may see when they book an appointment.
- An editable and customisable Template Warning Letter which can be issued to patients who have exhibited violent or aggressive behaviour towards staff
- An Incident Log Template which can be used at practice level to track incidents of violent or aggressive behaviour in order to identify themes or patterns. Please note: The ICB has advised that such logs should be fully anonymous, i.e. contain no patient information, in order to comply with GDPR regulations.
- A PCSE Patient Removal Request Form
- A Sample Risk Assessment Form enabling practices to identify risks relating to violent and aggressive behaviour and take mitigating action.
- A bundle of posters designed for print and social media, videos and digital screens to combat patient violence and aggression.
- A Violence and Aggression Reduction Best Practice resource document, with a focus on reducing negative posts from patients on social media and encouraging positive engagement with patients on social media.
- An Anti-Violence and Aggression Support poster that can be displayed in staff rooms encouraging staff to report incidents and contact details for support organisations
- “PPE for the Mind” Wellbeing Webinars for receptionists and care navigators, together with an accompanying resource booklet to keep in the practice to make the training sustainable.
- Receptionist/Care Navigator Forum: Launched in September, taking place once a month moving forwards to give receptionists and care navigators a voice, identify challenges, discuss training needs and celebrate the valuable work of staff working in these roles. For the Teams link, please contact Ruth or Helen.
The Support Pack can be found under the We Are Safe and Healthy dropdown in the People Promise Library of Resources below.
Case Studies:
We have recorded a video case study with the HR Officer for the Welby Group highlighting how flexible working can be successfully implemented in Primary Care. This video can be found under We Work Flexibly in the resource library below.
We are also planning a video case study highlighting how effective employer support can help and ultimately retain employees going through the menopause or peri-menopause.
Primary Care Valuing Event:
We know that feeling valued in your role can have a huge impact on staff morale and retention. We are pleased to announce that funding has been secured for a Primary Care Valuing Event to take place in March 2025. The planned themes for the event will include health and wellbeing and equality, diversity and inclusion. The event will also include an awards ceremony covering individual and team awards, as well as long-service awards. Watch this space for further details!
Lincolnshire Primary Care Saying Thank You Campaign:
We have launched a county-wide “Lincolnshire Primary Care Saying Thank You Campaign” to encourage patients to leave messages of thanks to Primary Care staff working in all roles and at all levels. The campaign highlights the positive impact of a simple thank you, with a view to increasing staff morale in these challenging times and countering the increasing amount of negative feedback from patients.
The campaign will be run at ICB level until March 2025 to make it easy for as many practices as possible to get involved. In March, the practice with the most thank you messages (adjusted for patient population) will be awarded a prize. We will send the messages of thanks to participating practices at regular intervals so they can be used in appraisals where appropriate.
To participate, please contact Ruth or Helen for campaign materials to display in your practice.
Creation of a People Promise Library of Resources:
We have developed a library of resources to help practices and PCNs embed the People Promise values within their own organisation. This resource library can be found below.
Have Your Say -
The People Promise is all about you. We would love to hear your thoughts on how you would like to see the People Promise embedded into Lincolnshire Primary Care. To learn more about your People Promise managers - Meet our People Promise Managers :: Lincolnshire One Workforce (
Please contact us by email: or
People Promise Resources
This section of the NHS People Promise page aims to provide a library of resources for managers and staff looking to implement different elements of the People Promise within their own practice or PCN. This library of resources is being added to continuously.
Appraisals and Career Planning
Career planning Virtual sessions - Career planning 2025
Career coaching cards - career coaching cards
Holding stay conversations - Managers guide
Holding an Itchy feet conversation - Managers guide
Equality, Diversity and inclusion
Allyship and inclusive recruitment toolkits: Resources - Lincolnshire Training Hub
Allyship resources: Resources :: Lincolnshire One Workforce (
Allyship training: Training :: Lincolnshire One Workforce (
Enterviews: Enterviews
Editable employee recognition cards
Moments that Matter editable digital cards to celebrate key events such as staff birthdays and workiversaries, welcome new members of the team or simply to say thank you. digital cards or For further resources , please contact ruth.
NHS Pension scheme FAQs - FAQ's
NHSE Midlands Financial Wellbeing Programme with HSBC - Financial Programme
NHS Staff Discounts
Blue Light card - Welcome to Blue Light Card
Employee Shout-Out Boards/Recognition Platforms Free peer recognition and award platform: Accolader - Team Award System
Kudo Board: Chargeable group cards and employee shout-out board platform: Online Group Cards and Employee Recognition | Kudoboard
Sign-up link for Shiny Mind health and wellbeing app with functionality to send positivity posts and shout-outs: https://
Pastoral support for international recruits
Cultural posters to support managers and teams understand the cultures of those they are working with: Pastoral support for international recruits :: Lincolnshire One Workforce (
International virtual cafe - Virtual cafe
International buddy scheme - International Staff Buddy Launch poster, International Staff Buddy Scheme Information sheet
Veterans Support
Veterans Breakfast Clubs in Lincolnshire: Events Club | Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Clubs (
OpCourage: Mental health support for veterans, service leavers and reservists - NHS (
Reasonable Adjustments for staff
Employment plans for people with Autism or a Learning Disability: Latest News | Employment Is For Everyone
Disability Confident guide for managers to help them recruit, retain, and foster the progression of disabled people and those with health conditions in the workplace (Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)): New guide published to help businesses boost disabled people’s prospects at work - GOV.UK (
NHS Health Passport for any staff with a disability, long term health condition, mental health issue or learning disability/difficulty: Health passport
NHS Health Passport manager guidance: Passport guidance
Allyship and Connected Cultures
Connected Cultures network for BAME staff: Connected Cultures Network :: Lincolnshire One Workforce (
Allyship and inclusive recruitment toolkits: Resources - Lincolnshire Training Hub
Allyship resources: Resources :: Lincolnshire One Workforce (
Allyship training: Training :: Lincolnshire One Workforce (
NHSE guide to holding compassionate conversations with colleagues:
Under Recordings of Staff Engagement Drop-In Sessions, please add September 2024: The General Practice Staff Survey
Employee Wellbeing Action Plans
“Holding a Wellbeing Conversation – a Manager’s Guide”: Managers guide
“Wellbeing-Conversations-Implementation-Templates”: Conversation template
Mind’s Wellness Action Plan – Action plan
NHSE My Wellbeing Plan – Wellbeing plan
Ideas to help you cope and build your wellbeing using the 30-3-30 approach – 30-3-30 approach
Health and Wellbeing
Enhanced Primary Care Health and Wellbeing offer: Health & Wellbeing - Lincolnshire Training Hub
Health and wellbeing events and workshops available to Primary Care staff: Health and Wellbeing Events and Workshops :: Lincolnshire One Workforce (
Men’s health and wellbeing: Men's Health and Wellbeing :: Lincolnshire One Workforce (
Mental health first aid training: Mental Health First Aiders / Wellbeing Champions :: Lincolnshire One Workforce (
Champion Health wellbeing webinar: Your Mental Health Matters Too: Supporting Wellbeing At Work | Champion Health Webinar on Vimeo
Practitioner Health: A free, confidential NHS primary care mental health and addiction service with expertise in treating health & care professionals:
Jon Hilton: From Bullets to Business. An inspirational wellbeing webinar delivered by Jon Hilton, a former Royal Engineer with the Army, 2 x world record holder and multiple business owner. For the link, please contact ruth.
Five Ways to Wellbeing video:
HSE Stress Prevention toolkit – Toolkit
Introduce Dr Irina Brook’s quick workout between patients or at staff meetings to improve staff wellbeing:
Midlands Winter Wellbeing - Winter Wellbeing
Sexual Safety
NHSE Sexual Misconduct Policy (can be adapted by individual organisations looking to implement a sexual misconduct policy): NHS England » NHS England sexual misconduct policy
E-learning module on understanding sexual misconduct in the workplace: Click here .
Menopause Guidance for Lincolnshire Primary Care Staff - Guidance
Menopause toolkit for managers and staff and contact details of menopause champions/advocates: Menopause :: Lincolnshire One Workforce (
For further resources related to the menopause, please contact ruth.
Violence and Aggression Reduction Support Package:
A package of resources to support you in addressing negative behaviour from patients and to equip your multidisciplinary teams with tools to cope with the impact of violence and aggression.
An Introduction to Violence Prevention and Reduction e-learning course developed by NHS England in collaboration with the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH): Click here
Lincolnshire Training Hub: Supporting primary healthcare teams - Lincolnshire Training Hub
Midlands Leadership Academy: https:/
Morph training for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians: MORPh Clinical Training for Pharmacists (
Flexible working toolkit for managers: flexible-working-toolkit-for-line-managers-v1.2.pdf (
Flexible working toolkit for individuals: flexible-working-toolkit-for-individuals.pdf (
National flexible working people policy framework NHS England » National flexible working people policy framework
Flexible working case study video with Cheila Loucao, HR Manager at the Welby Group -
Flexible working templates and letters: Template flex request letter, Flex policy template, Flex outcome letter
Run Your Own Teambuilding
Resources to support:
King’s Fund free Leading with Compassion course: Leading With Compassion | Free Course | The King's Fund (
King’s Fund guide to compassionate leadership:
Leadership Training and Resources: Training resources
Our Leadership Way: Leadership way
Visible Leaders’ Network:
The Visible Leaders Network (‘VLN’) is a unique leadership network designed for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (‘BAME’) staff aimed at aspiring and emerging leaders and managers. You can join the VLN if you are an NHS employee working in the Midlands region at Bands 3 to 8a level.
VLN membership is free of charge and provides a range of learning opportunities to support leadership development. This includes access to an online learning community via our NHS Futures site and regular virtual ‘Coffee and Chat’ networking support sessions offering a chance to meet VLN members and get to know each other. We have a wide range of events currently on offer specifically for VLN members. You can find out more and register here
Sorry you are leaving
Editable “Sorry you are leaving” cards to give to staff leavers to leave the door open for their return.
Staff Engagement Drop-in Sessions:
Staff engagement drop-in session 2024/2025 schedule – Timetable
Recordings of Staff Engagement Drop-in Sessions:
April 2024: Introduction to the NHS People Promise:
June 2024: We work flexibly:
August 2024: NHS Champions, including Freedom to Speak up Guardians. Embed the following video:
People Promise Bulletins:
June 2024: June 2024 Bulletin
July 2024: July 2024 Bulletin
August 2024: August 2024 Bulletin
September 2024: September 2024 Bulletin
October 2024; October 2024 Bulletin
November 2024: November 2024 Bulletin
December 2024: December 2024 Bulletin